Technogym's materiality matrix and approach
Materiality analysis identified the most significant impacts of business activities on the economy, the environment, and people, including human rights.
The process involved benchmarking, internal review, and evaluation of international standards.
Results were clustered into 19 ESG themes and assessed by stakeholders through an online questionnaire:
- Impacts were evaluated on the likelihood of generation by Technogym and the scale of positive and negative effects.
- Themes were ranked based on the level of significance obtained from the sum of evaluations.
- The "materiality threshold" is the average of final ratings used to identify truly material themes.
Technogym management analyzed the results and added themes to ensure comprehensive coverage.
The 2023 materiality analysis confirms all the material topics identified in the previous year with the addition of three more, namely "Circular Economy", "Fight against Corruption" and "Data Protection & Cybersecurity". Based on these considerations, this document summarises all the topics that were found to be material according to the impact materiality approach. All the minimum areas covered by the Decree (reported in the Table of Areas covered by the Decree – GRI Standards) have, however, been included, while the creation of financial and economic value is dealt with in this document and detailed more fully in the annual financial report.
For the sake of completeness, it should be noted that in the early months of 2024 Technogym also launched a first internal "financial materiality 17" exercise. The aim of the analysis was to investigate the impacts, risks and opportunities that the environmental and social sphere generates (or could generate) for Technogym. From the next reporting year, the findings from the financial materiality exercise will be taken into account, together with the results of the impact materiality results, to identify the material topics.
Corporate governance system | Ethics and integrity in the conduct of business | Commitment to ensuring good corporate governance based on the highest standards of ethics, integrity and compliance with laws and regulations (e.g. Code of Ethics). The commitment also includes the training of its own people about the ethical principles adopted and the actions undertaken to reduce conflicts of interest. |
Governance and risk management | Management of risks relating to market conditions, reputation risks and the protection of the distinctive features of the Technogym brand, environmental risks. |
Anti-corruption | Commitment to the fight against active and passive corruption through an adequate assessment of the risks involved and the adoption of appropriate safeguards aimed at mitigating them, including the provision of specific training on the topic and the adoption of mechanisms for reporting potential irregularities or illegal behaviour. |
Global brand-leader in wellness | Protection of trademark and intellectual property | Protection of the brand from plagiarism, while also enhancing the brand through specific actions |
International growth and consolidation | Creation of short-, medium- and longterm economic value based on strong economic and financial performance that ensures financial stability and income protection. |
Personal wellness solutions for each person and promotion of wellness lifestyle | Capacity to guarantee safe, high performance products | Implementation of policies and actions that guarantee the safety of products offered to customers, while bearing in mind environmental and social aspects in their design. |
Compliance (including voluntary compliance) with environmental and social laws and regulations in force |
Design innovation in product development | Creation of increasingly innovative solutions by continuously investing in research and development that lead to an increase in technical capabilities and the use of cutting-edge technologies to offer more and more sustainable and well-designed services to customers. |

Our materiality matrix
ESG topics and impacts above a threshold of 4.17 are the most material for Technogym.

Stakeholder engagement
Technogym builds a collaborative relationship with stakeholders based on listening and trust.

Our 2025 Sustainability Plan
The Sustainability Plan is the way Technogym puts its Sustainability Policy into practice and achieve its goals.