Governance at Technogym
Technogym has implemented a traditional governance model, based on the presence of a Board of Directors and a Board of Statutory Auditors, both appointed by the Shareholders' Meeting. This model allows for a clear distinction of the roles and responsibilities of the corporate bodies in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company.
For more information see the Corporate Governance reports and documents.

Our Board of Directors
In compliance with the Corporate Governance Code, the Technogym Board of Directors holds a key role in our corporate governance system. Appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board has the broadest powers for ordinary and extraordinary company management – including those not strictly reserved to the Shareholders’ Meeting.

Auditors and bodies
Appointed by the shareholders’ meeting, the auditors and company governance bodies play a key role in the corporate governance system, verifying compliance with the law and with the Articles of Association as well as adherence to the principles of proper administration.
Learn more about our governance

The Board of Directors has set up internal committees with advisory and proposing functions.

Internal dealings
How we regulate disclosure obligations of Relevant Persons, including transactions involving Technogym shares or related instruments.